Dark Cocoa Powders

Hazel Lowe
11 min readJun 19, 2024


If you’re a chocolate lover searching for the ultimate cocoa powder, look no further. Our roundup of the top Dark Cocoa Powders will have you savoring every bite. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best dark cocoa powders on the market, perfect for enhancing the flavor of your favorite recipes.

The Top 6 Best Dark Cocoa Powders

  1. Organic Cacao Powder by Betterbody Foods — 16 oz — Experience pure, guilt-free, organic cacao powder that enhances your recipes with its rich flavor and nutritional benefits, perfect for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle!
  2. Hershey’s Unsweetened 100% Cocoa Chocolate Powder — Hershey’s 100% cocoa, natural unsweetened powder offers a rich, balanced flavor for countless sweet and savory recipes, perfect for gluten-free and kosher-certified baking enthusiasts.
  3. Ghirardelli 100% Unsweetened Cocoa Powder — Pure Chocolate Intensity — Ghirardelli Premium Baking Cocoa 100% Unsweetened Cocoa Powder delivers intense cocoa flavor to elevate your baking from great to extraordinary, making life a bite better with every recipe.
  4. Organic Cacao Powder: Deliciously Rich, Nutrient-Packed Unsweetened Cocoa Alternative — Navitas Organics Organic Cacao Powder — Savor the rich, deep chocolate taste while enjoying the health benefits of unroasted, cold-pressed, USDA Organic, Fairtrade cacao beans!
  5. Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder — 8 oz Canister — Elevate your culinary creations with Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa, a 100% cacao, sodium-free, and sugar-free baking cocoa, perfect for adding depth to your favorite recipes.
  6. Viva Naturals Pure Organic Cocoa Powder — Viva Naturals Organic Cacao Powder offers guilt-free, non-alkalized cocoa flavor with a rich aroma, perfect for all your chocolate-loving needs.

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Organic Cacao Powder by Betterbody Foods — 16 oz


Introducing BetterBody Foods Organic Cacao Powder — a fantastic addition to your pantry that offers more than just a tasty treat. This versatile cacao powder provides a healthier alternative to regular chocolate, packed with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants. Whether you’re incorporating it into your post-workout smoothie or adding it to your baked goods, this organic cacao powder’s rich chocolate flavor will not disappoint.

The texture of BetterBody Foods Organic Cacao Powder is smooth and velvety, making it easy to blend into any recipe. With no added sugars or artificial ingredients, you can enjoy guilt-free indulgence with this all-natural cocoa powder. Its organic certification guarantees that you’re getting a high-quality product with no harmful additives.

Although some users have expressed concerns about the product containing cadmium, it is essential to note that all cocoa products have trace amounts of heavy metals due to the natural environment in which cocoa beans grow. The presence of cadmium does not necessarily mean the product is unsafe for consumption.

In conclusion, BetterBody Foods Organic Cacao Powder offers an excellent taste, versatility, and nutritional benefits to make it a top choice for health-conscious chocolate lovers. Experience the rich, indulgent flavor while enjoying the health benefits of this pure, organic cacao powder.

Hershey’s Unsweetened 100% Cocoa Chocolate Powder


Looking for a rich and versatile unsweetened chocolate powder to elevate your baking and hot drinks? Look no further than Hershey’s Natural Unsweetened Cocoa Powder! This 100% cacao offering is perfect for chocoholics, gluten-free enthusiasts, and those who want to control the sweetness in their recipes. It comes in a re-sealable 8-ounce container, designed to keep the cocoa fresh and ready for use.

The delightful aroma of pure cocoa fills the air as you open the container, while its unbeatable taste takes you on a journey of intense chocolate goodness. With its smooth and velvety texture, this unsweetened cocoa powder adds depth and consistency to your creations, whether you’re making hot chocolate, brownies, or a simple chocolate sauce.

Kosher-certified and gluten-free, Hershey’s Natural Unsweetened Cocoa Powder is a guilt-free indulgence that pairs well with a plethora of recipes. Whether you’re preparing breakfast pancakes, indulging in pudding, or whipping up Christmas, Halloween or Valentine’s Day treats, this cocoa powder is a must-have in your pantry.

While the reviews may vary in their experience with shipping, Hershey’s Natural Unsweetened Cocoa Powder is a shining star in unsweetened cocoa powders, offering a unique flavor and versatility that will leave you craving more. Don’t miss out on the chance to make your culinary experiences unforgettable with Hershey’s Cocoa!

Ghirardelli 100% Unsweetened Cocoa Powder — Pure Chocolate Intensity


Ghirardelli Unsweetened Cocoa Powder offers a rich and robust chocolate experience for all your baking needs. Its 100% cocoa powder delivers a deep, intense cocoa flavor that enhances your recipes, making them stand out in taste and quality. The unsweetened cocoa powder is non-alkalized, perfect for those who prefer a pure chocolate flavor. This premium baking cocoa is also certified kosher, ensuring the highest quality from bean to final product.

The packaging includes a hygienic zip recloseable bag, offering convenient storage and freshness. While the user finds the packaging impractical due to the fine cocoa powder’s propensity to clog the zip, the quality of the product as a whole is praised. This cocoa powder is great for those seeking a milder cocoa flavor, with options for both bakers and confectioners.

Ghirardelli’s commitment to sustainability shines through its chocolate sourcing, ensuring you’re receiving the highest quality from one of the most trusted and respected brands in baking. Add Ghirardelli’s chocolate melting wafers, baking bars, and chocolate chips to complement your baked goods and elevate your recipe game effortlessly.

Organic Cacao Powder: Deliciously Rich, Nutrient-Packed Unsweetened Cocoa Alternative

Navitas Organics Cacao Powder has become a staple in my daily routine, offering a delicious and nutrient-rich addition to various meals and snacks. I’ve been using this powder for a while now, and I must say, the deep chocolate taste truly makes a difference. It’s simple to incorporate into recipes and boasts a long list of antioxidants, minerals like magnesium and iron, and fiber.

One standout feature of this product is how easy it is to swap out for regular cocoa powder. Whether you’re making brownies, smoothies, or hot chocolate, the versatility is impressive. However, it’s worth mentioning that the texture might not be as smooth as one might expect, but it doesn’t interfere with the taste.

Occasionally, I’ve noticed a slight bitterness in the aftertaste, but overall, the quality ingredients and the rich flavor more than make up for it. There’s also a natural sweetness to the powder, which is a plus if you’re trying to cut back on added sugars.

Although it’s a bit more expensive than some other cocoa powders on the market, I believe the quality and health benefits it offers justify the price. It’s always a comfort to know that I’m using a product made from organic, fair trade, and non-GMO beans, which aligns with my values.

In conclusion, Navitas Organics Cacao Powder is an excellent, nutrient-rich, and flavorful addition to my diet. It might not be the smoothest in texture, but the health benefits and the deep, rich chocolate taste make it worth it. Highly recommended!

Hershey’s Special Dark Cocoa Powder — 8 oz Canister

When I picked up a canister of Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder, I was excited to try it out in all my favorite recipes. This 100% cacao Dutched cocoa powder can easily be thrown into any recipe that calls for cocoa powder or baking chocolate, making adding that rich dark chocolate flavor a breeze.

Some specific features that stood out to me were the sugar-free, sodium and saturated fat-free nature of the product. It comes in a resealable 8 ounce can for easy kitchen storage, making it perfect for both my baking needs and for adding that special touch to hot cocoa or chocolate milk drinks.

I also found that the product truly delivers on its dark chocolate flavor promise, whether used in baking or as part of a hot beverage. However, there is one downside — the consistency of the product may vary from can to can since some users have reported changes in the packaging and coloring of the cocoa powder.

Overall, despite the inconsistency, Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder has become an essential part of my kitchen, delivering balanced flavors and quality ingredients to all my chocolate creations.

Viva Naturals Pure Organic Cocoa Powder

Viva Naturals Organic Cacao Powder was a game-changer in my daily coffee routine. I’ve always been a fan of chocolate in my drinks, but with my health conscious mindset, I looked for guilt-free options. This product hit it out of the park.

The flavor was rich and aromatic, without any added sugars or artificial sweeteners. The packaging was a bonus, as it allowed for a resealable closure, keeping the powder fresh for an extended period.

I’ve had my fair share of cocoa powders before, and none quite compared to the authentic, cacao flavor this one boasted. As a bonus, I found out that its non-alkalized nature made it even more beneficial for my health.

Overall, I give this cacao powder a hearty recommendation, not just for its taste, but for the health benefits it provides.

Buyer’s Guide

Dark Cocoa Powder is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of desserts and beverages. Before diving into the world of dark cocoa, it’s essential to understand its unique features, considerations, and general advice to make the most out of your purchase. In this buyer’s guide, we’ll cover essential aspects to consider when selecting Dark Cocoa Powder for your culinary creations.

Types of Dark Cocoa Powder

There are two primary types of dark cocoa powder: natural and Dutch-processed. Natural cocoa powder has a more acidic taste, while Dutch-processed cocoa powder is alkalized to reduce acidity and create a smoother, milder flavor. Dutch-processed cocoa powder also has a darker color and is less expensive. Consider your desired taste and appearance when choosing between these two options.

Cocoa Butter Content

Dark cocoa powder can contain varying amounts of cocoa butter, which affects its texture and melting properties. Higher cocoa butter content results in a smoother, creamier texture, while lower cocoa butter content can make the powder more suitable for baking due to its increased firmness. Consider the intended use of the cocoa powder when selecting one with the appropriate cocoa butter content.

Sugar Content and Types

Dark cocoa powder can contain different types and amounts of sugar. Unsweetened cocoa powder contains no added sugar, while natural and Dutch-processed cocoa powders can contain sugar, cornstarch, and/or other additives for smoother texture and easier mixing. Evaluate the sugar content and types when choosing a dark cocoa powder based on your preferences and intended use.

Allergens and Certifications

Some dark cocoa powders may contain allergens, such as milk, soy, or nuts. Check the ingredient list and look for certifications like gluten-free or Certified Kosher to ensure the product meets your dietary requirements. Additionally, consider purchasing from a reputable brand with a track record of quality and safety.


What is Dark Cocoa Powder?

Dark cocoa powder is a type of cocoa powder that undergoes an additional process to create a rich, dark, and intense chocolate flavor. This process brings out the deep, bold flavor of cocoa beans with very little added sugar and allows the natural taste of the cocoa to shine through without the bitterness that can sometimes come with plain cocoa powder.

Dark cocoa powder can be used as a substitute for regular cocoa powder in baking recipes and desserts to enhance the chocolate flavor and create a more intense, sophisticated taste. It is perfect for crafting decadent chocolate cakes, brownies, mousses, and more, as its distinctive flavor pairs well with other ingredients.

How is Dark Cocoa Powder different from regular Cocoa Powder?

Dark cocoa powder stands out from regular cocoa powder due to its processing method and the level of natural cocoa solids. Dark cocoa powder is made by finely grinding cocoa beans, which undergo less roasting and processing than conventional cocoa powder. This results in a higher concentration of natural cocoa solids, giving dark cocoa powder its richer, more intense chocolate flavor.

Additionally, dark cocoa powder contains less added sugar than regular cocoa powder, allowing users to control the sweetness in their recipes. This can be particularly advantageous when cooking and baking, as it enables the true cocoa flavor to stand out without being overpowered by sugar. The absence of added sugar can be appealing to those seeking healthier alternatives or to control the sugar content in their diet.

What are some popular uses for Dark Cocoa Powder?

Dark cocoa powder is a versatile ingredient and can be incorporated into a wide variety of recipes, both sweet and savory. It’s perfect for all types of baking, such as cakes, brownies, cookies, and pies, as it imparts a deep, rich, and complex chocolate flavor that can elevate the taste of any dish. Additionally, dark cocoa powder can be used in hot and cold beverages, including cocoa, smoothies, and hot chocolate.

Other popular uses for dark cocoa powder include making frosting, glazes, and sauces. However, it can also be used in savory recipes, such as rubs for meats, marinades, and dressings, to add depth and richness to dishes. Dark cocoa powder’s unique flavor complements sea salt, chili peppers, and other spices, creating a surprising and delicious fusion of flavors.

What is the shelf life of Dark Cocoa Powder?

Dark cocoa powder typically has a long shelf life of around two to four years, provided it is stored properly. It should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture, as these factors can cause the cocoa powder to degrade over time. Purchasing dark cocoa powder in airtight packaging, such as a resealable container or vacuum-sealed bag, helps to maintain its freshness and extend its shelf life.

It’s essential to check the expiration date on the packaging before use, as consuming expired products can result in an off-taste and subpar quality. Storing dark cocoa powder in a cool, dark place will help ensure that it maintains its potency and flavor for as long as possible, giving you the best results when using it in your recipes.

What are the health benefits of using Dark Cocoa Powder?

Dark cocoa powder is rich in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which are beneficial to human health. These antioxidants act as free radical scavengers, helping to protect against cell damage and reduce inflammation. Consuming high-quality dark cocoa powder in moderation has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, as it can help reduce blood pressure and promote blood circulation.

Additionally, dark cocoa powder can be beneficial for brain health, as some studies suggest that it may improve cognitive function and memory. The presence of caffeine and theobromine in cocoa may also contribute to a temporary boost in mood and energy, making dark cocoa powder an appealing addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

Is dark cocoa powder gluten-free?

Dark cocoa powder is generally gluten-free, as it is made from ground cocoa beans, which are gluten-free by nature. However, it is essential to read the label and check for any certifications, ensuring that the dark cocoa powder you choose is produced in a gluten-free environment and does not contain any added gluten-containing ingredients. If you are sensitive to gluten or have a diagnosed gluten allergy, it is best to opt for gluten-free certified dark cocoa powder.

It is also important to note that cross-contamination may occur during production, even in gluten-free facilities. If you have severe gluten intolerance, it’s always a good idea to reach out to the manufacturer for additional information or to consult with a health professional before consuming dark cocoa powder.

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